Tailored movement practice: Strength, Mobility, Core Integration, Yoga

Strength and Mobility Training:

Alignment-based strength and mobility training is a cornerstone of holistic wellness and physical health. By focusing on alignment, you cultivate a strong foundation, ensuring each movement is executed with precision and efficiency. This not only maximizes performance but also reduces the risk of injury.

Mobility refers to strength through full range of motion. Exercises liberate joints, promoting fluid, controlled range essential for functional movement and athletic longevity. 

Core Integration/Pilates:

Pilates is a full-body workout that engages the deep core architecture of the body while strengthening muscles and joints through active range of motion. Unique spring and band loaded tension equipment works to stretch muscles, enhancing the powerful and efficient practice.  Movement is focused on quality, control and balanced strength. This creates functional power without a feeling of tightness while  improving posture, coordination and flexibility. By working the whole body, muscles are evenly trained to correct imbalances and prevent future injuries. I often combine strategic muscle release with the work to assist the process. This tension release can be taught via online coaching augmented with visual notes.


Yoga practice can support the body towards health and self-healing.

Sessions incorporate breath, meditation, alignment and fluid movement to help each client strengthen their practice.

Physical benefits of yoga include:

  • Increased flexibility

  • Increased muscle strength, flexibility and tone

  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality

  • Protection from injury, particularly misalignment, imbalance and overuse injuries